Moving Forward With Your Home HVAC System

blindsHomeowners who have depended on their HVAC system to be a reliable partner in keeping their home environment comfortable throughout the year will eventually come to a point when they will have to part with Old Reliable. For residents who own HVAC in Rock Hill NC the decision whether to continue to use their current AC repair service or move on and purchase a new one is never easy.

Unless the system has completely reached the point of no return, the decision to continue sinking money into it hoping it will continue to be faithful can be a costly one. The decision should always be made with the assistance of a qualified and reputable service technician. But the decision will eventually have to be made.

Major Replacement Factors

There are specific things to look for when moving on from the old, and they are important both to your home’s comfort and to your budget. Some professionals recommend upgrading to a new system if your existing system is about a dozen years old or more. But what is important is whether you current system is doing its job to the best of its ability. This includes:

  • whether you are spending more and more money on repair bills
  • if you are planning to move from your existing home soon
  • the amount of your monthly energy bills
  • if you plan on staying in your home for more than a dozen years

Major Repair Factors

hvacIf none of the above applies to your particular situation, then continuing to repair your existing system is a viable alternative. You may not be getting the maximum efficiency from your current system, but the costs of keeping Old Faithful running are significantly less than buying a new system. Other factors include:

  • if you have a preventive maintenance agreement that keeps your current system in top shape
  • if buying a new system will negatively affect your budget for the short term
  • if you have made home improvements that will end up extending the service life of your current system

Making Sense of Things

T. A. Kaiser has more than 30 years of experience in advising customers in replacement matters. Our function is to provide you with the best information and alternatives and allow you to make the final choice. In most cases, the decision is more money based than anything else.

If you are an owner of an HVAC in Rock Hill NC and need replacement advice, give us a call today and we can arrange a time to weigh your options. In the meantime, we invite you to use our reputable AC repair service.